Wednesday, January 30, 2008

week 2 of working out

Tonight I finished my second week of working out with my trainers. I still have one more workout to complete on my own. My trainers(Johnny and Adam) are cool. They don't yell at us or anything like that. They push us in the group when we need to be pushed. Thankfully, I did not fall or embarass myself too much this week.
I have realized that I am very limited in what I can do physically. Right now, I have exercise induced asthma pretty bad. Adam has us "jog" 2 laps to warm up usually, and this week Johnny had us on the track as well and it takes my breath away. I feel like it may come across that I am not trying, but I am. Just walking makes me out of breath. I know that as the weight comes off and I continue to workout breathing will get easier!
I may be sore; I may be tired; I may not be getting all my studying done, but I am feeling really good about myself! Bonus: I lost 3 pounds this week:)

1 comment:

Seth said...

AB- I am so proud of you! I can't imagine the willpowr it takes to make a life change like this. I know you will meet your goals!