Wednesday, June 27, 2007

week 3

This week has just been a week for me. I have worked out a lot more than normal. I have to say thanks to my great PA friends because they keep encouraging me to stay active.
Last night I was thinking about what I might look like if I lost half of me. It is actually quite scary. I think the hard thing would be to lose the weight and still not be happy with me. I feel like I have to be ok with me now, with who I am right in this moment. I think then and only then that when I do lose ALL the weight, it won't matter what half of me looks like!

1 comment:

Jenifer said...


I know how hard the weight loss journey is and I am on that journey as well.

Have you added drinking water to your list of goals? I have found that if you have to drink water to meet a goal it becomes easier not to drink coke.

Also, we switched to coke zero about 6 months ago and now I have switched to diet lipton green tea in an effort to do away with the acid and carbonation in coke products.

Keep it up! You can do it! I'm rooting for you.