Well, since the "Poo" doctor things just haven't been as interesting. In fact things seemed to become very serious. After 2 weeks in GI I went to pulmonology for 2 weeks and then to cardiology for 4 weeks. You really do have to have a heart that works and lungs that function to live in this world. When those organs become diseased there just really isn't anything too funny about them. I did have a great time in London, KY working with the doctors there and learning alot.
One of the lung doctors stressed me out at times because of how hyper he was. I absolutely loved working in cardiology. That doctor there was tough as I had to give oral presentations on certain disease processes to him. He would then question me on everything I had studied. Most of the time I felt dumb but I know that I learned a lot.
After living in London, KY for 2 months I moved to Williamsburg, KY and worked in Jellico, TN for my Geriatrics rotation. I was with an endocrinologist who mostly saw diabetic patients. I also went to the nursing home once a week as well. Geriatrics was pretty eye opening because I got to really observe how people age. To some extent I truly believe that we, the patients, have control over how we age. We can work hard in younger years to be fit and healthy which will help us to live better in older age. Sometimes, the way God made us over takes that and we can't help but have lots and lots of problems with aging. Probably the most encouraging thing was to see people past the age of 65 living their lives to the fullest no matter the physical health.
Currently, I am in Stanford, KY for the next 2 months in Family Medicine. I have already finished 2 weeks here. It is quite interesting because the doctor I got assigned to prays with his patients (if they allow him) at every visit. Also, most of the patients that we see are there for pain pills and nerve pills. These past 2 weeks have really showed me how people's needs are so much more than health needs. My heart has been broken over and over for our patients. I'm glad that I believe in Jesus because He truly is the only relief and healing that can help!
I know these thoughts are kind of rambled. For those of you who have done the grad school thing or even PA school you know that this is just par for the course in the rotation year. For the rest of you just take my word for it. This may very well be the hardest year that I have ever lived through mentally but I know by God's grace I can make!!